TimeTec Hire Features
Start taking charge of your company's recruitment by tapping on the many features available in TimeTec Hire. The system's flexibility is an excellent advantage for you as an employer, as it provides you with the most suitable and potential candidate for the vacancies in your organization.
Customize Hiring Workflow
What is your typical hiring workflow? It could be a 5-step flow such as Job Application, Screening, Interview 1, Interview 2 and Hire; or it could be a more complicated process involving eight steps such as Job Application, Screening, Interview 1, Questionnaire, Interview 2, Leadership Assessment, Final Interview and Hire. Different positions require different hiring workflow. TimeTec Hire caters to your company's simplicity or complexity in terms of hiring workflow; we let you decide.
Fuss-Free Job Creation
The job creation stage is crucial because this can lead you to your preferred candidates for the position that you've created. TimeTec Hire lets you select your requirements from our predefined list of job requirements, and at the same time, we offer flexibility for you to create your requirements in the system for future use. The jobs created will be saved in the system for next time, if a similar position is required.
Automated Applicant Screening
TimeTec Hire screens and categorized all applicants' initial applications using a non-biased score system, determined by your organization. When the screening process does not involve any partiality, the results will be in favour of the company.
Customizable Application Forms and Questionnaires
TimeTec Hire lets you create your application forms and questionnaires to obtain the right information from the applicants. Set the scorecards for both application forms and questionnaires to determine the applicants' performance without any biases.
Appointment of Hiring Teams
Many job offers don't turn out well for many companies because of the interviewer factors, i.e. the tendency to overlook certain elements. TimeTec Hire lets you select a team of hiring personnel for a particular position to determine the most suitable candidates to be offered the vacancies. Two pairs of eyes are better than a couple.
Interview Scheduler
Arrange appointments and interview sessions in one system to avoid mix-ups. The interview scheduler is complete with a notification system to remind you of the appointments and interviews that you've made with the candidates. Interviewee times are as valuable as yours; hence, TimeTec Hire takes care of both accordingly.
Career Site Management
Display your company's job openings on your company's career site quickly with TimeTec Hire. Changes made in TimeTec Hire will, in turn, update your career page automatically. You will also have the option to link your company's vacancies to other third party hiring solutions to give the jobs more exposure and conversion.
Hiring Simplified
When the hiring process is complete, companies can prepare and send the offer letter straight to the selected candidate, and carry out package negotiation in TimeTec Hire complete with a trail of discussions for transparency and remedy.
Instant Assimilation Into the Company through Onboarding Process
When the hiring process completes, the newly joined employee's data will be assimilated into the system instantaneously without HR personnel having to input all the data into the system anymore. Automation of hiring process made easy for HR.
Data Intact, Saves Time
TimeTec Hire keeps all job creations, applications and questionnaires submissions in its database for your reference. By having a pool of hiring data intact, your company can refer to the data in case you require anything, and it will save a lot of the HR department's time from doing the paperwork and retrieving the files.